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Services: Digital Navigation, Website Builder

We can navigate you through this as digital technology has transformed the way people communicate, socialize, work, shop, play, travel and more. And this has increased their reliance on the technology, which makes it that much more frustrating when something goes wrong.
Even if everything is in tip-top shape it doesn’t resolve the tech frustration users face elsewhere.. “No one wants to spend a large part of their day trying to get their tech to work the way it should. After all, it’s the very thing that’s supposed to make our lives easier.”
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Email Services and App's

Email service and many different app's help use communicate with each other and do things using them for our day to day lives. But using them remembering log-ins and passwords and how they work We will help you with.

Internet Services

Internet services are each different. Getting help getting and staying on them can be difficult, time consuming and frustrating. We can help you to get on or stay on and get the most out of your service and the money you pay.

Cell Phone Services

Cell phones! You can't with out them and its tough living with them. Trying to call out or accept calls can be harder then it should seem. Saving pictures, using app's, getting TEXT or Emails we will help make it easier to do.

PC's, Laptop's or Pad's

PC's, Laptops and Pads can be confusing to operate some use Microsoft systems some use Apple or Android systems and they all work differently. We can help with that!

WIFI and Bluetooth

WIFI is what makes you more mobile. Using WIFI keeps you from having to run a cable to any device and Bluetooth helps you communicate with other smart devices we can help you use them.

Website Design and Building

We build professional, inexpensive websites for all needs. They include Retail, Business, Newsletter, Wedding, Personal and Non-profit. These are just a few of the sites we can design and build in a short time.

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Office: 615-915-4236

Mobile: 901-383-3700

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